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Brand Identity

Creating a cohesive and strong brand identity is a crucial part of any successful branding strategy. Your visual identity – from logo and typography to colour scheme – is often the first point of contact with potential customers. A memorable and relevant visual identity not only portrays your brand’s aesthetic but also piques interest and curiosity about your brand’s mission. Building a captivating and consistent visual identity starts with leveraging strategic brand principles and core foundations to inspire creative development.


Here’s the scoop: Paired with our Brand Foundations service, our brand identity offering follows a phased approach of ideation, creative concepting, visual development, and design application. We work with key stakeholders to create a relevant and engaging visual identity that aligns with your brand’s purpose and presence. Once complete, your brand identity will be ready for seamless implementation across your marketing materials and digital platforms.


Creative Deliverables:

  • Logos
  • Taglines
  • Brand Colour Palettes
  • Typography
  • Brand Assets


At Sunstone, we know that assumptions can only get you so far when it comes to creating a compelling brand. That’s why we put a lot of emphasis on research. We’re all about digging deep to find the insights that will make your brand shine. So let’s roll up our sleeves and work together to create a brand that’s unforgettable.